Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The future of apps

There are currently more than 20,000 iPhone applications available in the Apple App store. That means the creation of 2000 apps monthly worldwide. These numbers show that applications are indispensable for current mobile devices. Some even think that mobile applications will mean the end of the internet as we know it today. But is that true?

With the introduction of new operating systems and new mobile devices, the App stores wil grow. In future, Apple will create applications that are not suitable for the iPhone, only for the iPad. For the new generation Android Tablets the same can be expected. Also RIM announced its BlackBerry Playbook tablet, for which special apps are going to be developed.

In the  future one expect that current trends will continue. Tablets and smart phones will become even more successful. Consumers will be more and more able to download and use applications.

It is expected that HTML5 will change the online world significantly. HTML5 is a new version of HTML and will make it possible to show text, images, multimedia and web applications in one browser (so you don’t have to work longer with Flash, Silverlight or Java). Apple has already handed out the first battle to choose for this new broader system for the iPad, at the expense of Adobe's Flash. Google is currently working in the Chromium Projects to Chrome OS, a new operating system for net books and tablets, Chrome OS will be little or no potential for applications, but is fully committed to online applications. 


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