Tuesday, February 7, 2012

iOS vs. Android

According to a new investigation of the Crittercism, Apple's mobile operating system iOS crashes more often than Android. The investigation showed that most apps crashed under iOS 5.0.1 (Apple), followed by iOS 4.2.1 (Android).The research divided the apps into three quartiles. The 'best', most stable, apps are in the first quartile. For those applications crashed 0.51 percent of iOS apps at startup. When Android was only 0.15 percent. In the second and third quartile Apple's system crashed under 1.47 and 3.66 percent, while in Android apps 0.73 and 2.97 percent. The study was conducted in December 2011, when iOS 5.0. was a few weeks offline. The fact that most of the apps among those update crashed, was there to be due, Apple said. 

The crashing of the apps would probably have something to do with the recent development of fake apps. Website TechCrunch says that apps like Tiny Birds, Numbers With Friends and Temple Jump until recently had been downloaded in the app store. These applications are similar in appearance and name to the many frequently purchased apps Tiny Wings, Words With Friends and Temple Run.
Last Friday, the applications were removed from the App Store. These apps show resemblance with popular apps and can often be downloaded. This should counter the crashing of apps. Also, the original developers of the apps would therefore miss a lot of money. Apple thinks a large part of the problem is solved now, but if iOS crashes less? Time will tell.
Source: http://www.crittercism.com/

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