


The producers of this app promise that you can turn your iPhone into the gym that works on your terms and workplaces where gyms might not be able to fit. FatBurner2K can help your body consume fat molecules. FatBurner2K shakes the fat in your body until it gives up and this is also the only thing it does. Buy this app when you want to lose weight in an easy way without effort. 


This app promises to generate random office sounds, like mouse clicks, keyboard taps, pencil sharpeners, coughs, and rustling paper, to give power-nappers some cover. Little sliders are supposed to control your “productivity” level and the frequency of each sound.

The Love Detector App

The Love Detector: Keep your iPhone tilted in the direction of someone else, and the detector determines whether there is love in the air. Cost $ 2.

Bieber hair App

Bieber Hair. Take a picture of yourself and this app gives you the Justin Bieber coupe. Cost $ 1. As Justin Bieber is far the most tweeted artist, this could well be a small gold mine.

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