Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Temporary Apps

Apps come and go, just like trends there are several reasons for. Examples of apps like these are apps which responds to a popular item or the topicality. For example Unox launched a few weeks ago (when it was possible to skate) the WinterExperience App. With this app they located all the skate locations in the Netherlands. 

Those apps that hook into the topicality are not new in the world of communication. Companies do this a lot, because the people like this. Advertisements which hook into the topicality have a better recall, a higher appreciation and are more effective. A new market is born to collect information (Read also or blog ‘Whatmakes an app successful?’ and why people want to receive information) and get loyal customers. Whether it is for fun (‘Duifmeneer’ in the Netherlands), information or other use.

Are you just as curious as us? What will be the temporary apps during the European Championship or the Olympic Games of 2012?

Next to those apps we have temporary apps that appear when you are on a special location and dissolve when you leave.  An example of those apps is Lustr. This is normally a shopping-related app, but during the New York Fashion Week is it a guide for Fashion Night Out.
To work with these kind of apps, Apple patented a Location-Based Service. With this patent it is possible for a company to determine the location or nearness, and place a temporary app on an mobile device. With the help of the GPS-function the location is determined and when the Iphone-user approaches this location, the app appears on their screen. When the user is no longer located on the GPS-function the app will disappear from their mobile device. Those apps are interesting for libraries, exhibitions, restaurants and other locations like that. You can read more about it here.

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