Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Addicted to apps?!

Probably, you are familiar with those people starring at their mobile phone on every given corner and apping (downloading the latest applications)? Or people who are addicted to games or apps and start panicking when they do not have their phone in their hand for five minutes? Or 5 minutes on your mobile phone soon becomes a half hour?

Then you are probably a phone junky. The local news sender in NewYork ABC7 discovered this new addiction after a field research in the streets of Manhattan. According to the psychologist Rob Reiner is this very dangerous, because people could avoid intimacy and family obligations. How can you find out if you are a phone junky? Put down your phone and observe how uncomfortable you feel and if you get withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be the same as addictions for drugs. For more details watch this movie: 

Our way of living has changed as we mentioned in our blogs (Thefuture of apps and SmartTV’s) before. We are at the beginning of a new era: the post-pc-era The technologie has become more user-friendly by smartphones and the iPad. Sander Duivestein wrote a book about it ‘The App Effect’. The infrastructure is there, but we do not know how to deal with the new inflow of new information.

This also give birth to a new generation: GenerationZ. This group is an open world citizen. They know very well how to use interactive new media and like to contribute to the community. As long as it works together with their own initiative. Overall, they use the computer with everything they do and are always online. This generation was born between 1992 and 2010. They are very diverse, but are future-oriented, like to be inspired and to learn. To adapt to the needs of this generation, there will be a great change on schools, at work, in free time and in the use of media. In fact, in the whole wide world.

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